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Eat More Plants

Welcome to eat more plants, my vegan and plant based project. Here you will find some information about these lifestyles. At the end I hope you'll give a chance to yourself to try eating more plants.

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Freshly Picked Food


Vegan and Plant based food

A vegan and plant based diet is a way of eating healthier and avoiding animal products, or food that includes animals. This has lately become famous because people are finally realizing  that the earth is basically ending thanks to people  consuming animals (without  any moderation), so this is one of the main reasons for becoming a  vegan plant based person! We also have to take into account that this has been present since a long time ago, but in those times global warming wasn’t that bad, and people were more CONSCIOUS.

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“We all love animals. Why do we call some ‘pets’ and others ‘dinner?’” 

K.D. Lang

Granja de animales
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Vaca y lechón

"When you see a bacon I see a little pig"

Catalina Barrientos

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1.Forks Over Knives | Plant-Based Living | Official Website. (2022, 6 mayo). Forks Over Knives. Recuperado 8 de mayo de 2022, de 

2. Plant-Based Diets: Pros, Cons, and What You Can Eat. (2021a, octubre 11). Verywell Fit. Recuperado 8 de mayo de 2022, de 

3.Jaramillo, C. (2022). Como: El Arte de Comer Bien Para Estar Bien. Planeta Publishing. 

4.Harris, S. (2022). Plantas legendarias. Rey naranjo editores.

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