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A Lifestyle - Pros & Cons.

Actualizado: 14 abr 2022

The information that is found on many websites, is more centrated on a vegan diet, but it still has some cons that are similar to the ones of a plant based diet, some of the cons are, to get the protein at any place (like supermarkets and apps), and to find a place to eat at (that is healthy and has a complete vegan menu). but some pros are: Easier to get most key vitamins and minerals considered to be a heart-friendly diet,reduces levels of cholesterol, is lower in saturated fats,reduces the risk of having type two diabetes, may help to lose weight, and reduces the risks of having many types of cancers.


Remember that in each person it has a different impact, so the pros and cons that I am including here are the most general or that according to studies people may experience in this lifetime or the determined time people decide to keep this lifestyle.

Other thing that's very important is that any diet has to be well-designed and structured by a nutrition specialist in order to supply some of the critical nutrients required for the body, such as protein, vitamin B-12, omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, and iron and more. Following a vegan diet requires knowing about the key foods that should be combined together and prioritised to sufficiently meet these nutrient intakes.

And finally it's important to understand that a vegan, a plant based diet or any other is only right for you if you adopt it for the right reasons like to support environmental and ethical beliefs, and find it sustainable as part of your lifestyle and food preferences.




A person avoids animal products 100% of the time.



A person eats mainly plant foods.



A person eats processed foods and meat substitutes.



A person avoids using animals for clothing or any other purpose.



A person promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives.



A person is motivated by a health reasons.





Admin,Pros and Cons of Plant-Based Diets, (2021)

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