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How these lifestyles impact the planet

Actualizado: 17 abr 2022

1. Reduces methane, the methane is a greenhouse gas; 30 times more powerful than carbon dioxide. The methane is caused because of the cows, when they ferment their food in a chamber of their stomach, the gas gets into the air with other greenhouses gases, through the cow belches and flatulences. These gases absorb radiation from the sun and can trap heat in the atmosphere, contributing to climate change. So at the moment of reducing cattle, we are preventing that these gases come out of the cow bodies, also preventing that they absorb the radiation from the sun.

2. Uses fewer resources, as we all know the planet is a places that has a lot of resources, but they are slowly disappearing, because of meat production, millions of gallons of freshwater, forested lands, and entire ocean ecosystems, all lost to feed the world. As we may know, in various places of he world, people use millions of acres of land to grow massive amounts of crops to feed the animals in our food system; meanwhile, growing crops for direct human consumption is a easier and healthier for the planet process. It requires less processing, less land, less water, and less energy than raising and killing animals for food.

3. Combats world hunger, 8.9% of the world's population suffers from undernourishment, that means that 690 million of people may not know from where their next meal will come from. And since soil degradation and climate change may go worst, it can get to affect food production, and maybe more people can lose access to the healthy food they need to survive; as i have previously explained, going vegan or plant based may stop deforestation, soil degradation, and greenhouse gas emissions associated with meat production, helping to slow climate change, and secure our global food supply. And if the whole word becomes vegan we could free up 75% of global farmland that is currently used to graze animals and produce animal feed. That land could grow healthy plant-based protein to feed more people and reduce world hunger. (

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