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Eat More Plants

Actualizado: 14 abr 2022

This is my blog, as you can see is about a topic that has been present since the 18th century, thanks to the utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham, wich thought that animal suffering, was just as serious as human suffering, but the first vegan and plant based society was produced in 1847 in England.

My reason to make this blog is to make people conscious that they are just killing animals to satisfy a human need, that can be covered with another product that doesn't has a animal involved, also to make conscious about the way they are damaging the planet and slowly damaging their own life.

I really care about this, so don't take this topic as a joke, because it can actually save us and the planet, that's why I decided to create this. To improve our life and society.

Why is healthier and help us to heal?

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